Saturday, March 25, 2006

Erin and Mary

A Self-portrait, but I'm posting it for a random family day. This was at Radisson, a nearby place we often walk. Note the snow in the woods!


Katie J said...

What a beautiful setting! You both look so relaxed and casual. I think I will put my SPs on self timer in future. The ones I've done so far have been with the remote so you can always see my fingers pointing it. Maybe I will look more natural than trying to pose at the exact same time as I press the remote!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

The self timer gives you ten seconds to compose ourself--which works fie if you don't have to leap too any logs to get there. This is my daughter Erin wth me. We're at the planned comunity, Radisson, which has planned natural areas withn it. Ponds and woods.

Katie J said...

Well now I am bragging because my timer gives an option of all sorts of times from 2 secs to something like a minute I think!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

some of my cameras also give some choices, though maybe not that wide. But ten seconds seems to be suffcient--and 2 seconds isn't enough even for the camera movement to settle. In my opinion--I just use the default ost of the time.

Katie J said...

I have still got to try some more SPs. I know I wanted to do them but I have no heart for it. I cannot smile as it makes my teeth look like an old hag. I think I look better with glasses on as it hides all the lines and darkness around my eyes.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

I don't think you look like an old hag and if you do, youre a lova le old hag, LOL. Use a dreamy filter or something.

I am certainly no Elzabeth Taylor!!!

Anonymous said...

Hallo I absolutely adore your site. You have beautiful graphics I have ever seen.