Monday, June 19, 2006

WIND Intake

We were caught up in this National Laser SP3 series race going on off of West Mersea last Sunday. This was the race that we watched the prize giving in the hope that Charlotte and her colleague would meet up with eligible bachelors!

So this was taken from our boat. I took some of the same race 2 years ago just after I had my camera and hadn't realised that on full zoom hand held I needed a minimum speed of 400 so I was quite please to get another go at it. It is very hard to compose a shot when your own boat is going up and down. Also it is impossible to get a straight horizon so always means a bit of straightening.

1 comment:

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Well, the results are glorious and beautiful. I love this, love the translucent yellow sails and the blue and white ones, the repetition of form and color, the composition.

I took some sailboat pix for wind but I have no boat and couldn't get this close.