Yee hah!! It went through first time tonight. This is the foreshore at West Mersea where they throw all the discarded oyster shells. This is the sort of picture that it is my ultimate aim to take an incredible shot of. Probably on some south sea island where you can see the fish swimming around in the shallow water and also see the boats in the distance or else some gorgeous clouds. I took some on the Isle of Scilly but they were not up to scratch. That is certainly a place to go back to.
One fault in the composition is that the masts are going up out of the picture and so the eye doesn't know where to stop it keeps going up! Funny, I didn't notice that till I put it on here. But it means a reshoot as I havn't cropped it.
I love the colors in this, thety are very evocative. I see what you mean about the masts, though, sort of disturbing, but only mildly so. Very interesting shot--in a good way.
What if you took it with a longer lens from further back to bring the boats in closer? Or maybe you can't get back?
Yes you can get back. I will try that next time I am down there. Although I do like the wide angle. We'll see! Thanks for the suggestion! And for scrolling all this way down!
I like the wide angle too--there's always trade-offs. Worth trying though?
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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