Thursday, February 23, 2006


Looks good to me. I may have to post mine early as I expect to be driving across Canada and the US on the 6th.

Have we agreed on Photique or do we want to use Seeing 101? I will remove me biography from Photique and add links to your galleries and web paages (or you can)


Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

I would use the large format. ANd if you click on the photos, they will be larger still if you choose the largest available archive size.

You can post just the photo or the photo with comments. That is up t you/us.

Ths is not my blog, it is OUR blog! I will take my information off it when I get home. It will be all of OURS, yours, Kates, and mine. One of us had to start it and it was me because I had one started and knew how, but I want it to be OURS!

You'll get the hang of it soon, you can make one of your own too, and post all your favorite pix for free!

Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.