Saturday, February 25, 2006

The Dressing Gown original

This is the original. Guess I should not have put her in the corner. Maybe I ought to cut her out and put more plain wall to her left instead of the corner.


Katie J said...

I never would have thought of that! Impossible to achieve before the end of the month for the BP pink theme but something to think about. Would have to be dreamy looking though as she is in her dressing gown.
Thanks Val

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

To get rid of the corner and substitute plain wall, simply clone out the crack of the corner.

I agree with Valerie that a meadow of flowers or another background might also we very nice and reall not that hard to do--if you wanted to, because with the magic wand, you could select and delete the plain white background very easily. If you had soemthing else to layer behind her.

A VERY CUTE picture!

You could also stamp a design into the background, put a faint sea scene there at low opacity--or leave it---it is charming as it is.

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!