Sunday, January 15, 2006

Blurred Motion #6: Goose in flight

Goose in Flight, Blurred motion hopeful #6 by Mary Stebbins, click on image to see larger. Posted by Picasa


Katie J said...

That's good Mary! I'm not saying it is a brilliant image or anything but I know how hard it is to get this so it is good.
What speed did you use and what focal length. If I am using my telephoto at full zoom then I know I have to have it at 400th sec or the whole bird would be blurred. Unless on a tripod of course and that is very hard unless a bird happens to fly right where you want it to. And then sometimes there is too much light around to be able to use a longer speed to get the motion. However, I now know (too late for this assignment) that you could put some filters in to cut down the light. I have just bought a cokin filter holder and extra ring for my other lens. But still have to try and get the Singh Ray filters that were recommended in email from Ken. Will have to order them online as the shops do not have them.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

1/250s, f/19, 100 mm lens. We had been scaring geese off the lakewall into the water one at a time (Which I hate doing) and trying different combinations of speeds etc. My goal was to have some of it be clear and some blurred. This one might be a little too clear for blurred motion, I'm not sure, but most of the others were TOO blurred. Nothing clear.

Katie J said...

That's what I was doing with the ducks but I didn't have anyone with me to scare them off. So I had to do scaring and shooting at the same time and decided it was impossible.

Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.